Access to all 4 Days of this online video course from the Supernatural Marriage Academy.
Priceless wisdom, humour, Q&A, teaching and interviews with Evangelist Vivien Rose (host), Pastor Rose Sunday sharing her own personal testimony of supernatural marriage and insight on masculinity plus the 'male perspective' presented by a happily married man, who is making it work; Mr Olumide Pablo Shepherds.
The feedback is phenomenal, and we truly believe this course delivers some of the most significant and challenging information women and men need to know before walking into the blessing of supernatural marriage.
Day 1 - Why Men Know The One (And How Women Can Know)
Day 2 - The Game Plan For Your Husband (A Word For Women Serious About Marriage)
Day 3 - An inside look at Masculinity As A Married Woman (Pastor Rose Igwe)
Day 4 - The Male Perspective From A Married Man (Olumide P Shepherds)
Take the course and have your say in the comments with this interactive course. Join the conversation now.